Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Poland "Coal Land"

Environmental groups have been sharply criticised the Polish government for hosting a coal industry meeting while UN climate talks are held in Poland.

They are very angry due to the fact they believe that Poland is more dedicated to coal than curbing climate change.The Polish government announced that coal will remain a main part of their energy mix for many decades. But they say they are committed to developing cleaner types of energy.

 The World Coal Association believes that coal is an important part of the energy mix right now and is growing in many parts of the world. They say that coal accounts for 41% of the world's electricity and in 20 years' time is still expected to be providing a quarter of the world's primary energy which was the same level it was at in 1980.

 Poland is invested heavily and deep in clean coal technology and the coal meeting has the open approval of the government as it is being held at Poland's the Ministry of the Economy.

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